My Period the Cockblock by Ruth Oyediran - ★★★★☆

This is one for the Culture. 

My Period the Cockblock, written by Ruth Oyediran is the first from the talented writer/actor who plays witty main character Bolade. The performance is set on a Bank Holiday “girls night out” flawlessly planned but seriously threatened by the sinister approach of Bolade’s period. Along with best friend played Ilori (Lara Grace), the girls intend to make sure ex-boyfriends “will cry blood” once they grace Prince Of Peckham’s most anticipated day party. 

Refreshing best describes this simple yet highly entertaining piece of theatre. Director and Dramaturg Lydia Luke’s choice to maintain a bare stage with a few chairs and some black flats serve wonderfully to take us from Bolade’s bedroom to the streets of Peckham. With just 2 characters, we encounter the numerous personalities and scenarios she must persevere through to ensure Tion Wayne see’s her at this event. Ilori masterfully dons a traditional wrapper to play the Aunty, a puffer jacket to play the “Azonto Warrior” and a deep Nigerian accent to illustrate the law-setting father, switching from character to character seamlessly and effectively. 

Better yet, there appeared to be no fear in staying true to the language and cultural nuances that these characters were immersed in.

The free use of the Yoruba language, deep love for Wizkid and fear of the shadowy corners of Peckham Rye station felt not only true to character but addressed many of the shared cultural experience’s that performances often shy away from in hopes of including absolutely every audience member. There was an ease and authenticity on stage, meaning that when we the audience we’re spoken to directly or encouraged to interact, it came easily and readily. 

MPTCB is simple, fun theatre. Lights and sound are used effectively to aid storytelling, limited props keep the audience focused and good pace has us wanting more when the lights go down and final bows are taken. Centred on Black British experiences, MPTCB offers a comical deep dive into the inner thoughts of a girl that just wants to have fun and the hurdles she must overcome to ensure that happens. All the ingredients for a highly entertaining watch and fun night out. All that Bolade wanted if not for that pesky period. 

MPTCB is showing at The Vaults Festival until 17 February.


Trouble in Butetown by Diana Nneka Atuona - ★★★★☆


Sylvia by Kate Prince - ★★★★☆